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    June Luncheon Meeting

    Date: June 18, 2019, 11:30am
    Holiday Inn
    200 Enterprise Drive
    Rocky Mount, NC 27804
    Event Type:
    Chapter Meeting
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    Speaker:  Arnold N. Gordon-Bray, Brigadier General, US Army (Retired)

    Topic:  Leadership Lessons I have Learned

    General Gordon – Bray will discuss his experience in thirty years of leadership roles in the US Army and how he has leveraged that experience in his life and his post military career as a consultant and Leadership coach.  

    Brigadier General Arnold N. Gordon-Bray, USA (Ret.) Brigadier General Arnold Gordon-Bray completed over three decades of service in the United States Army where he demonstrated professional leadership skills in strategic communications, combat operations, foreign affairs and effective modernization in support of the Department of Defense and National Interests.  His major endeavors now include:  Consultant for Threat emulations, independent consultant with Burdeshaw  Inc. and  pursuing his passion with 360 Cradle to Careers, a nonprofit committed to changing outcomes for underserved Americans in HUD housing through STEM education and innovation networks, and Envision centers;  and work with Dakar Interactive,  a collaborative environment for arts and STEM; Additionally, he consults and advises on myriad issues involving American interests Strategically, Operations and humanitarian concerns at home and abroad.