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Event Details

    Behind the Wall

    Date: January 16, 2018, 11:30am – 1:00pm
    Carleton Board Room, Dunn Center, Campus of North Carolina Wesleyan College
    Free to members, $20 for non-members
    Event Type:
    Chapter Meeting
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    Topic: Behind the Wall

    Dr. Dewey Clark, President of North Carolina Wesleyan College, will share information about past trends and future plans of the college.  He and his team will discuss how the college works to support businesses and organizations by what they are doing to prepare students for the World at Work.  They will also discuss the Adult Studies Program available on 10 campuses and how the program supports people currently working in their career field.

    We hope that attendees walk away with a better understanding of the school and their many positives trends and also gain a better understanding of how NCWC can support organization's workforce from an educational, training, and developmental standpoint.

    RSVP here: Registration