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    GESHRM November Membership Meeting

    Date: November 17, 2021, 11:30am – 1:00pm
    Golden East Chapter of SHRM
    Event Type:
    Chapter Meeting
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    We are excited to join the Fayetteville Area Society for Human Resource Management (FASHRM) for an excellent upcoming program.  Please join us for this month's Chapter meeting as Val Boston III, of Boston and Associates LLC, discusses “The Value of Workplace Coaching.”

    Val Boston, III’s professional background spans over 25 years in business and leadership roles, with specific experience in human resources, sales process improvement, information processing, data processing, and telecommunications.

    The program is scheduled for Wednesday November 17, 2021 at 11:30am Eastern time.  No pre-registration is necessary, and you can use the following link to join the meeting.  Workplace coaching is a key human resources skill and is often the essence of what we do.  We hope you take advantage of this great program and join us to pick up some new insight on workplace coaching.

    November Meeting Registration Link:

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