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    April Meeting

    Date: April 15, 2014, 5:30pm – 7:00pm
    Holiday Inn, 200 Enterprise Dr, Rocky Mount, NC 27804
    Event Type:
    Chapter Meeting
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    David Rendall of The Freak Factor


    Change Freak: Understanding the Four Change Styles

    It is difficult to get people to change. This is because everyone has a unique change style, which affects the way they think and feel about change. Understanding these differences is essential to transforming individuals, teams, departments and organizations.

    In this session we will complete an assessment of each person's change personality. This will be followed by an explanation of the strengths and weaknesses of each style. Then we'll look at ways to approach change that fit with an individual’s unique style.

    It's easy to see some of these styles as more desirable than others. However, each has value and can be used to improve the organization.


    RSVP to Linda Skojec at or 252-443-1199.